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Monday, March 28, 2011

It is what it is.

Posted by August Chang at 3:33 AM 2 comments
Crap. it is me. totally given out myself in my room for 2 days. I really can be a security of my house. 2days, I'm wasting it like not a big deal of my time and I'll start regretting it by tomoro when school starts. oh ya~ it is what it was. Karma.. I'm a quite a buddhist, ya know.. so, of course I'll be blaming myself in the end of it.

by the way, I'm playing some makeover in between the days. feeling want to share it out the photo but embarrassed bout it. but, still will sharing it out coz I'm just feeling to. haha~~  


it is a distance between before and after. firstly, will be my eyes as they r small and sepet. everyone acknowledged it. secondly, I'll be giving the credit to the clothes. it helped much I confirmed. so, ya, there is no ugly woman, it just to be a lazy woman. but, who can stand to wake up early to make herself nice every morning. well, I can't for this period as a student. Being ordinary is just good enough for me.    
 this sheet of article is goonnaa be long as I'm wrapping up all I want in a sheet. Passion, passion. this dilemma came back for sure. what is the point of I'm feeling aspire-less in things I'm done and not done.  bravery is a subtopic of it. am i will couragely(this word doesn't exist) let it go. 
this whole week will be a screw up week. presentation, assignment, and assignment*** a whole bunch of it. and I'm posting my post at 3.30a.m and feeling like nut coz today is school day!!! things are getting more harder now. Strive for it or just let it go. or just be last minute it'll be.. ahh.. Crapingg..  

Wednesday, March 2, 2011


Posted by August Chang at 8:02 AM 0 comments

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


Posted by August Chang at 11:41 AM 0 comments
人是矛盾的。我的意思是指我啦!功课堆的像山一样高,知道是该做了,可我就偏偏懒得做。到最后,就一晚不睡做功课。然后就后悔,如果我早一点做,结果一定会更好。然后,又肯定的对自己说:下次不要last minute了!!然后又到了另一个学期,事情反复的发生多一次。
人的天性吧,遇到困难就想逃。我也好想。可是哪能呢!所以我会不爽有的逃避的人。。哈哈。。变态死了~~ 想是想啊,但不是逃避。是去走走散散心。大了啊,不能和小孩一样,就只能面对。

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